Friday, July 22, 2011

What a stupid song.

Thank you, Rebecca Black.  Every Friday, I get your stupid song stuck in my head no matter how hard I try not to think of the phrase, "It's Friday".  While I try to get your song out of my head, I think of Katy Perry's song "Friday Night (T.G.I.F)", oh!  But look who's the "hot girl" in it.  You are.  You're 13.  Enough said.

On another note.  Well, that seems to be it for notes, to be honest.  It's a typical day.  Worked for nine hours, time to go to the gym.  At least tonight I can relax with the other half instead of rushing home to go back to bed. (5 am comes a lot faster than you'd think.)  And this weekend, I have big plans.  Oh yes, mister!  Well, not really big.  Photographs for a coworker and her boyfriend, beach with a friend, then it's off to the cottage with the other half to work on the ice hut.

Yes.  It is 40'C outside and we're thinking about the ice hut.  Can you tell we're straight up Canadian?

Anyways, short and sweet.  No promises Saturday or Sunday will have a blog, but you never know.  Maybe my day will be interesting enough to rant and rave about something.  All I know is, the Walmart haul is coming closer than you'd think.  Photography money = haul time!

-- Stacey de Laurier

Thursday, July 21, 2011


It’s hard work; yes, mister!  Since my life consists of work and working out, you all might notice a certain trend in my blogs.  I’ve been putting off really starting to bust my ass (however, that is one place I don’t have to worry about working out as much), because of school and work.  But, at the beginning of May, I got a gym membership and tried really hard to go as much as possible.  At the beginning of June, I started work, which made working out regularly difficult.  Within a week or two, my boyfriend opted to go and get his own gym membership.

What help!  Instead of relaxing, or going out for coffee (or a beer), we could go to the gym together.  And let me tell you, it’s been working.

Last week, the day of my twenty-first birthday, I said, “That’s it!  Today is the day, the diet and fitness will head into full force.”  And it begun.  I weighed myself, and took my measurements.  There was no turning back.

Well, it’s been tough.  A week and a half of this.  I try to obtain a calorie deficit of no less than five hundred, by eating well throughout the day (my current calorie intake is no more that 1700, but seems to be averaging around 1400), paired up with taking my vitamins and trying to work out every day.  Thus far - since I’ve begun this - the only day I didn’t work out was Sunday.

I’ve had one weigh in so far; I do them every Monday after work.  I’ve lost five pounds, and a total of seven inches! (Not around my waist/hips alone, of course.)  This was a good day to say the least.

I’m hoping my next weigh in will provide me with as good results as I’m hoping for.  If I end of gaining (I’ll try my best to avoid the beers this weekend), it’s all muscle, people!  You’ve got to build muscle in order to burn fat, of course!

Anyways, half of you probably don’t give two shits about my diet and fitness (although, I didn’t really touch much base on what they consist of), but hey.  It’s my blog, so shut it!  Maybe I’ll go into more detail about my diet and fitness in later blogs.  Maybe include some healthy recipes that I’ll try when I head back to school.  Who knows.

Ew.  School is a month and a week away.  It’s a good thing my gym membership is transferable. #GoodLife

-- Stacey de Laurier

P.S. Expect a Walmart Haul soon.  Oh yes, people.  Walmart Haul.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The beginning of ...

Like everything else I do, I have no idea where to start.  Regardless of whether or not I've been tinkering with this blogging idea or I had been pressured into it by a rock, I've decided that it's time I start writing some more.  While this blog is slightly plain at the moment, seeing the "Add CSS" tab tickled my fancy, especially being a student R.G.D. (Registered Graphic Designer).  So, expect big things in the future for this blog.

Typical to the blog stereotype, this'll be a place for me to rant and rave about whatever, whenever.  I've also been tinkering on the idea of starting a Youtube channel, but this is how I'll begin - a blog.  If I enjoy it, I'll join the 21st century in "vlogging".  Expect reviews, favourites (whether it'll be monthly or quarterly, I have yet to decide), tips, tricks, whatever.  Don't be surprised if there's a rant or two, as well.  Maybe I'll show off my design work?  Maybe I'll whore myself out? ("Will design for food.")  Who knows where this'll go, but at least it's going.

Right now, I have a strict gym schedule to follow and a boyfriend who's calling, so I'll end this now.  Time to go to the gym! #skinnybitchmode

-- Stacey de Laurier

P.S. Don't be alarmed if I also frequently place hash tags somewhere throughout my blogs; social media is my crack.

P.P.S. Also don't be alarmed if there are pictures to go along with my blog posts.  Photography is my marijuana.